Monday 4 April 2011

Teenage Boys

Soo when your little you think "I cant wait to grow up and fall in love, I cant wait for my prince to come along and rescue me, I cant wait for my happy ever after"
But when you get to the age 17, your heart would of been broken numerous times, you would of loved then loved again and you would realize that sometimes there is no prince charming, that sometimes there is no such thing as a happy ever after >.<

Teenage boys...something is seriously wrong with them! Last week I had to sit there an listen to my friend cry about how her "bf" doesnt txt her for weeks an weeks and basically treats her like shit >.< Like seriously what do guys get out of doing that to a chick? does it make them feel good? does it make them feel powerful to know that they have the power to hurt them? or do they just like how there will always be a person waiting for them to txt, ring or go an see them, Guys just piss me off sometimes! Its like they feel that they are gods gift to woman which they are not, they are no where near...It annoys me how woman let men treat them like shit! No woman deserves to be treated like that ever! every woman deserves to be treated like a princess because we do so much for our men like clean the house for them, do there washing, wash there dishes and have there babies, you dont see a guy doing that stuff for woman! The next time I see a guy treating a girl like that I will go up to them and tell them exactly what I think of them cause im sick an tired of men walking all over us girls, doing and saying whatever they want to us, not caring if they hurt us...Guys, you cant live with them and you cant live without them >.<

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